Sunday, November 30, 2008

My computer

You know, having a computer sure makes it convenient to update your blog every day.

Nov 30 I went over to my sister's house for supper, came back and my computer was not working.....correction: my internet was not working. you solve every computer problem, I turned it off.

I did not turn it back on.

I am going to go home and see if my internet works!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Lunches with my dad

Last night my dad went to the hospital because he was having troubles breathing and there was pressure on his heart. I called the ambulance for him.

He came out this morning.

We went out for lunch. It was a nice time.

I have spent the day doing something monotonous and now I am really tired.


Friday, November 28, 2008


Dalmaicians? (I am not sure I spelled that right but my spell check says I did? I am just not sure....)

This is my 101 blog entry! WOW!! I cannot believe I have been at this for 101 days.

Does my life seem boring to you? lol

There are times I have lots to say and there are times I have little to say.

Tonight I have little to say.....


yay me!!! 101 is an accomplishment. Here's to another 101 (and then another....)

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Some people may appreciate the dreams they have - 'One day I want to live by the ocean and go swimming every day!' or 'One day I want to win the lottery and start my own camp for kids'. Yes, I do have dreams (not neccessarily those dreams though).

But today I am going to appreciate the dreams I have at night (when I am sleeping).

Last night I had the oddest dream. I was visiting my sister (except it was not her house), and I dreamt that we went to Europe. She bought me a plane ticket to Europe (no idea where in Europe though). On the plane over there, she told me that the ticket cost her $9000 so now I owed her $9000. (FYI - I cannot afford $9000 for a plane ticket to Europe.)

It was just a very odd dream. I am not sure what it means. Any ideas?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Lunch and Learns

This week (at work) I am going to a Lunch and Learn every day (except Friday)!! They are very interesting and you learn a lot.

Today I went to a lunch and learn about this new program my work is getting involved in. It allows employees to spend 3 weeks in a developing country helping them with something. (It depends on the country and why they are needing help.)

It was a very interesting lunch and learn and I am glad I went. (Although I have no plans on volunteering in the next couple of years.)

Tomorrow I am going to a lunch and learn on interviewing techniques. That will be very interesting as well!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I am constantly thinking....

I have a feeling I am not going to be able to sleep tonight because I am thinking....

But I love to think.

I find that I think so fast sometimes that I cannot articulate what I am thinking. Before I finish a thought...I am already thinking about the next thing.

(Sorry, what was I saying?)


Monday, November 24, 2008


Today I had a job interview.....

I have a feeling I did not do very well. I have a hard time explaining myself (and that sucks!!).

But I have hope...

Hope that I did better than I thought I did. Hope that I will get the job. Hope that whatever happens, I will be happy in my job!!

What is life without hope?

Sunday, November 23, 2008


I am not sure where I would be without Faith - Faith in what I believe in.

Sometimes it is hard to know what you believe in - and then you realize what you do not believe in, and what you believe in makes a lot more sense.

I am glad I have Faith.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Mornings with my niece

Last night my niece slept over at my house. It was a lot of fun!!!

This morning we woke up at around 7am and had breakfast right away. Then we spent the morning just hanging out, building a fort and messing up my house....

I am glad she came over!!

Friday, November 21, 2008


Today I looked at a picture of me and my grandparents at my high school graduation. I think that in the picture they both look very proud of me.

Then I realized....

Neither of them graduated from high school. I believe they were both very smart (they survived the 30s) but their family could not afford sending them to high school. For that generation, high school was a privilege.

What I find very interesting is that although they did not complete their education, they were (in my opinion) very good at handling money. Yet, some people are more educated then they were and yet they struggle with money. Do you not find that interesting?

I firmly believe that just because you are not educated does not mean you are not smart.

(And I also realize how privileged I am to have completed not only high school but also University as well.)

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Tonight I received an award at our Annual Dinner and Awards Ceremony. In order to receive the award you have to be nominated. Someone I did not expect to nominate me, nominated me which was a pleasant surprise (which reminds me I should put my flower in some water).

It is nice when you are appreciated by other people (and shown that appreciation).

I am really tired right now....I am going to bed.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

the white scenery

Today it snowed (again). It took me an hour to get home (normally it takes me 1/2 hr max). I actually enjoyed the car ride home today (although it was longer than normal). I found that I was able to just sit there, relax, and listen to music!!! I did not have anywhere to be so it was awesome!!!

When I looked out my window at work today and saw that it was snowing outside, I was not sure I was ready for winter. I knew it would be a slow ride home (I almost got into a car accident on the way home) and I was not looking forward to shovelling the snow either.

But tonight when I went outside to sweep off my steps, I loved it!!! I loved being outside in the snow again and even sweeping off the steps. I am still somewhat nervous about having to drive to work tomorrow (I was almost in an accident on the way was a very close call), but I am not totally dreading it either!!

YAY snow!!!


(Did I mention I was almost in a car accident on the way home today?)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

When things go your way

Okay that may sound odd. It is not necessarily when you get everything you is more like....

Something has been stressing me out for about the last week or so. Yesterday I had an epiphany and realized a possible solution to my problem.

This morning I was able to solve my problem with the idea I had yesterday!!!

Now I do not have any more stress (regarding that anyway).


Monday, November 17, 2008


Do you ever wonder about fate? Do you believe in fate? Sometimes I think I do and sometimes I am not sure.

I think though that our lives take us in a direction for a reason....sometimes it may not seem like a good reason but it is still a reason.

Was I born to live this life? Or was I born and now I live (this life)? If that makes sense?

I was never good a philosophy....

Sunday, November 16, 2008

A good cry!

You know - sometimes you just need a good cry....and all of a sudden, things look better!!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

jogging with animals

Today I went for a jog...walk. To my surprise (but not really), some animals were following me on my jog. It was quite amusing, every time I turned around and went a different way, all the animals came with me.

I got to go jogging with 1 dog and 4 cats (wait...maybe 5 cats....wait there is #6). That is one of the great things about being at the farm!

Friday, November 14, 2008

weekends at the farm

Lately my life has been busy and stressful. I should be working this weekend but instead I am out at the farm. It is just a really good time to talk.....


I will need to make a point of walking this weekend and not overeating....that is for sure!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

heat (again) but this time....

On my hands. Okay that probably sounds really weird?

But don't worry.....

It gets weirder!!

It does not matter what season it is or what the tempature is outside, every time I go to the bathroom, I love to run hot water on my hands. I find this especially nice at work. I could just stand there all day and run hot water on my hands. It feels so nice.

I know I know....

How bizarre is that? (lol?)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


For the past few days (weeks?), my leg has been bothering me. Yesterday I rested it and put heat on it. It was fine all day today.

Tonight I have put heat on it again. It is definitely feeling better now!

Hopefully it gets better soon.....

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

the sound of laughter

(especially a child's laugh)

Sometimes life can be so stressful - you seem to go from place to place to place and rarely pause to appreciate the little things in life. Laughter is something (I would say) most people take for granted.

Make sure you take time to laugh (even on days when you do not feel like it....).

Monday, November 10, 2008

The moon

Tonight I was driving in the car with my niece and she pointed out how beautiful the moon was tonight. It was a full moon!

The moon is always nice to see in the sky at night - without it, you can lose your sense of direction and get completely lost (not that I am speaking from experience or

What a beautiful night!!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Patience (while driving)

I do get slight road rage every once in a while - depending on my mood.

But for the most part, I am very patient while I drive. If I do not get through on the light, oh well. I am in no rush.


I noticed today (again) how angry some drivers get while driving and I think to myself, 'Out of everything that goes on in this world, the most important thing is driving or how fast you get from one place to the other?......Whoa!'

Saturday, November 8, 2008

early Saturday mornings

Today I went to work to work some overtime.

The first thing I noticed when I stepped out of my door was how quiet it was. It seemed calm.

As I drove to work I could not help appreciating this calmness.

Friday, November 7, 2008

The telephone

It is amazing how easy and convenient the phone is nowadays! You have news you want to tell someone? Pick it up and dial a number....any number....overseas or just down the block.

What is going to happen to face-to-face conversations? I am not sure....but phoning someone is more personable than texting, don't you think? Especially when you have news that is not so good.

The best thing about phones is...
Tell me why
Haven't I? I?
Heard from you?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

my poetry

Kate October 2, 2008
- written by Camille
Dedicated to my sister Kate

There were times you were annoying
So bratty
Just a kid
There were times I wanted to hurt you
There were times I know I did
Who was that person?
That person with the brush?
That person with the kick?
Your tears? Caused by me?
It makes me sick!
You are going to pull through it
You are going to be alright
You have the strength
You will fight it with all your might
Do not give up
Dry your eyes
We need you right here
In our home
Where Bella lies

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

the ending....

Of what? You might ask?

A book.

I love to read.....but lately, I have not been able to find the time to read....or more accurately, I have not felt the inclination to read. Last night, I finished the book I was reading (Water for Elephants) and although I was sad that the book was ending, I really liked the end! I thought it wrapped the book up nicely and made me understand the purpose of the book and of the story the main character told.

There is nothing like a good ending!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Driving in the car in the dark!!!

I am so unobservant!! I could not tell you what time it starts getting dark around here. I do know that I drive home from work while it is still light out and when I leave my house at about 6:30, it is dark.

But I love to drive in my car in the dark!!!


Because then I can talk, or sing, or laugh to myself and nobody will see me!! It is awesome!!

Tonight I practised my speech in my car on my way to the gym. I am presenting my speech at work on Thursday so I thought I should practise it a couple of

It was awesome!! Nobody could see me!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008 November!

Who doesn't like rain in November?

(It is better than the 's' word.)

Rain in November's not cold! (Although some people might think it is still cold...?) And rained!! YAY!!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Time change (or not)

I think today the time must have changed. (I think?)

We never have to change our time where I live. I have actually never experienced time change. I have been in different time zones but I have never had to think 'at (such and such a time) the time is changing, we are going to have to change our clock'.

I like it! I cannot say I would not like changing times but I am content with not having to change times. I have never experienced anything else though so if we had to....whatever.

It keeps life interesting anyway.....(what time is it in Ontario now again? FYI - I know (I think - if the time has changed....?).

Saturday, November 1, 2008

my blog

Some days I have bad days. Bad days are not fun!!

But I love to turn those bad days into a positive! And this is where my blog comes in!

There is nothing like going to the computer, thinking about your day, and coming up with something that you appreciate.

It makes you look at your life in a whole new perspective!