Thursday, August 21, 2008

In the beginning...

Believe it or not, I am a first time blogger! (Hard to believe, I know.)

There are so many people in this world with struggles...some are mental struggles, some are physical struggles, and some are emotional struggles.

When I was growing up I sucked at vocabulary in school. I remember in elementary school I kept getting Fs in vocabulary. I was so discouraged and I did not want to fail so for the next test, I made sure I studied!! I studied all night every night for at least a week. After the test I kept thinking...'I hope I get at least 50%, I hope I get at least 50%'. (As 50% is passing where I come from.) When we got our tests back a few days later, I jumped for joy!!! I got 50% (exactly)!! I still consider that to be one of my greatest accomplishments. (Okay, I have had a sad I am proud to say though that although vocabulary is still something I struggle with every day, I have earned my BA.

I am grateful and appreciate the fact that I have the ability to express how I feel. I may not be the most articulate, but I can still tell people what I feel and why I feel it. Sadly, not everyone in the world has this ability.


Colette said...

Hey! Welcome. Told you I'd read it. :)

Lise said...

Hello, I found your blog through colette's (who I found through Jen's), and I just wanted to say I think it's such a great idea!

I work in mental health, and our research shows that one of the best ways to increase your happiness levels is to count your blessings daily - so i keep a little diary of things i'm grateful for every day, and it really does make you feel good. I hope you enjoy your year of doing this - i'll keep checking in on your blog!