Monday, January 25, 2010

my adventure in taking the bus....

So I finally got my car back last Thursday. $5600 in damages and I did not have to pay a dime (gotta love insurance). And then the storm hit.....

Saturday morning I had to shovel. Sunday I did not shovel (too much) but my car was stuck and could not move. I decided that shovelling my car out just to get stuck again was not worth it.

So I did not leave my house all day....except for a quick trip to 7/11 for some bread (as it is in walking distance).

Today I took the bus to work. It took me about 40 minutes to get to work on the bus but 50 minutes from the time I left my house. As I was standing at the bus stop, I was starting to wonder if the buses were even running as there were no tracks in the snow at all.

Fortunately someone showed up and stood with me for a while. By the time the bus came, there were about 10 of us standing there.

As I got on the bus, the bus driver said that there were 12 buses already stuck in the snow throughout the city. (so please be patient)

Fortunately I was able to get to work without too much mishap....but I am still confused as to where to ding the bell to get off the bus....

Anyway, I had to walk about 4 blocks to get to the bus stop after work. I was almost at the bus stop when I saw my bus coming so I ran and made it there on time. I had to transfer downtown and I watched as the bus I was on (but a different bus if you know what I mean) went by as I waited for my next bus. I probably had to wait about 20 minutes for my bus. But I caught it and lived happily ever after.

Our bus almost got stuck but our bus driver was awesome and was able to get us out of the snow bank.

I thought that more people would have taken the bus today but I do not think too many people did.

I plan to take the bus again tomorrow....and so continues my adventure in taking the bus.....

talk to you soon


1 comment:

Colette said...

I'm glad you made it safely both ways. :)