Tuesday, May 1, 2012


This week I flew across country to surprise my sister for her birthday.  I was not sure how it would go...would she like it?  Would she not like it?  You never know how someone is going to react.  Overall, I think it was a good reaction.

While we were there we helped her lay some bricks that she had planned to do this week.  It took 4 of us 7 hours to lay them.  She was really glad we were there to help!!

It was not all work though.  We also spent quite a while on Monday at Ikea!  It was a nice shopping trip but I had to use one of my sister's old suitcases to cart home my purchases.

I got home this afternoon and I am now completely exhausted.  I also went to Zumba tonight so that might be part of the reason I am exhausted!

It was a nice trip though...

1 comment:

Colette said...

I did appreciate your visit. But I still don't know who Sarah is.