Sunday, November 29, 2009

devastating loss

The Riders planned in the Grey Cup today but unfortuately they the last final SECONDS of the game!!!! AND because of a penalty. What a loss!!!

Oh well!!

Happy Birthday Wanda and Alyssa!

Hope you had a great day!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Go Riders!!!

The Riders are in the Grey Cup tomorrow!!! They are playing Montreal.

EVERYONE must cheer for the Riders!!!

Go Riders!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I hate dryers!!

So anyway, a few months ago my dryer started to I phone someone to come in and fix it. he could not see anything wrong but replaced a couple of the belts and things that he said were wearing out. Long story short, my dryer is now no longer working at all!!!

And I still don't have internet at home!!!!


It sucks!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

new job....workingout

So long story short....I got a new job.

I start on Dec 16/09. I am excited:=) but yet sad at the same time???

I also now have a personal trainer. We worked out for the 4th time today. I can feel it and it's a good feeling!!

I am hungry so I am going to go home to eat.
