Tuesday, July 14, 2009


It has been 12 years now since my grandpa died. A lot has changed since then.

I am glad I had the chance to get to know my grandpa. I actually lived with my grandpa for four months (after my grandma died) and I feel that I really had the chance to get to know him during that time.

He made me laugh.


Monday, July 13, 2009

living at home

I am living at home again for a week!

I will see how it goes

Sunday, July 12, 2009

being home

There is nothing like being home.

I am glad I have had the chance to stay in my condo.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

NOT having a dog!

Dogs are a nuissance. I am glad I do not have a dog.

although I do not mind visiting them on occasion.

Friday, July 10, 2009

almost being done this blog

I had planned to blog for one year. I haven't been updating regularly lately and I am looking forward to being finished!

(And I am almost there!!!)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

not turning on the computer

I have been quite lazy lately and have not been turning on the computer.

I find it hard to turn on the computer during the summer, I do not see the point.

My email has slowed down and I just do not feel like turning on a device that I work on every day.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

getting organized for a hot dog sale

Tonight I had a meeting. A meeting during the summer. But it was still good.

We discussed what we were going to do at a hot dog sale next month.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

not turning on the air conditioner

It has been nice these past few days. I can leave the windows open in my house and not worry about turning on the air conditioner. It sure is nice.

Monday, July 6, 2009

summer days

Ah....the joy of relaxing during the summer.

What fun!!!

I just wish there were more days to relax...

oh well.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

having a dog

Having a dog is fun.

She is fun to play with.

SHe makes me smile.


I feel like I am writing this for a grade 1 class.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

the vet

Today we took KC to the vet...not once but twice.

We went to get her her shots and then she had an allergic reaction to her shots...so we went back.

It is nice to know the vet is that close by.

Friday, July 3, 2009


Today my sister went to work, then she came home from work. She was not expecting anything when all of a sudden....

less than an hour later....

she came home with a dog. Now she has a dog.

Her name is KC. I liked how my sister first spelled her name...Kaycee but eventually she settled on the spelling of KC. Why? It is cheaper if she gets something engraved!

(Brilliant, I know.)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

38 years....

Today is my parents anniversary. They have been married now for 38 years. I think that it is really quite a rare thing when you have parents that have been married that long.

I cannot imagine if my parents were divorced. I think that would be very hard. It would also be very weird. We are very close to my mother's side of the family and I cannot imagine my father not interacting with that side of the family any more.

I guess it is the same with my aunt....I have not seen her since she divorced my uncle.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Canada Day!

It only comes once a year but every year we get the brilliant opportunity to celebrate the wonderfully beautiful country that we live in.

Although some of us celebrate it every day!


I am so grateful for the place that I live in. Not only the country but the province, and the city as well. It is a great place to live!

I remember the first time I went to New York City (it is a great city) and the first 2 impressions I had of NYC was that it smelled of garbage and pollution. I still love NYC but I am so glad I live in my city!

In June I had the opportunity to travel to Egypt....it was my first time in a 3rd world country. It was interesting and one day I would love to go back but it has also made me appreciate my country that much more.

I would also like to go to Israel one day....