Friday, August 22, 2008

Rainy days!!

I woke up this morning at about 4 or so except I wasn't quite awake...I was still in the groggy state when things happen that don't make any sense. I thought I heard something hitting against my wall and I thought it was bugs!!! (I have no idea why I thought it was bugs!) I thought to myself, 'why are there bugs hitting my wall? Maybe I should clean my room tomorrow'. I promptly went back to sleep. I woke up again around 6 and realized it was rain I heard and not bugs. (Rain makes a lot more sense.)

I remember when my sister and I were still in University we were both at home and it was raining (a torrential downpour). So we decided to put on our rain pants, our rain jackets and our rain boots and go play in the rain. I must admit, I felt incredibly silly playing in the rain but it sure was fun!!

I appreciate the rainy days! They can make you feel young again!!

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