Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick-or-Treating (with my niece)

Today is Hallowe'en!

I got to drive my niece to swimming lessons tonight! She passed!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then we went out trick-or-treating! It was a lot of fun but she got scared. She went to a house where there was a graveyard on the front lawn with statues. Then one of the statues moved...

(Mmmmmm.....pumpkin seeds.)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Riding in cars with (my niece)

Kids see the world in different ways than us adults!

Tonight I got to ride in my car with my niece. We talked about lots of things; stuff that was going on at school, why she likes going to dance (where we just came from), why we should go on another 'adventure' (ie. I randomly drive around pretending that we are lost), even why the sky is blue (okay maybe not that).

I love seeing the world from a 4 year old perspective!

It reminds me that life is a serious thing (but sometimes it does not have to be)....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

my sense of humour

I have an odd way of looking at things (or so people tell me)....

Sometimes I see things in a different way than the rest of the world.

And sometimes I just have to laugh : )

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

my legs

Isn't it great to be able to walk? Or even to run?

Sometimes I forget to be thankful for the small things (or for the things you take for granted). I could not imagine not having legs! I think it would be very hard to adjust. I live on the 2nd floor, depending on my disability....that could be a challenge.

I am very grateful for the legs I have now!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Country music

In the 90s I listened to country music ALL the time. Then I started turning to other kinds of music. I like all different kinds of music....I cannot limit myself by saying that I do not like a certain kind of music.

In the Spring I started listening to a new country station in the city. I love this station!! It plays a variety of different music and it is different from any other station I have heard. One of the things I find annoying about the DJ's on the radio (where I live) is that they remind me of people who think they are cool and try to act cool, but they are not cool. This new radio station is not like that!!!

Tonight I was listening to the Country station when they played a GREAT song and I started to sing to it....LOVE IT!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

the Internet

I am not a techie person (ask anyone I know). I am the type of person who only grudgingly participates in anything that has to do with technology. (Which is one of the reasons I am amazed I have started a blog and have updated it as deligently as I have been.)

I have really come to appreciate the internet lately and everything it has to offer. There are so many things you can do now right from your own amazing is that?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Being Healthy!

Sometimes you do not appreciate the things you have until you no longer have them. It seems so simple....not being sick. It is definitely something I take for granted! But I know so many people who are about my age and are sick.

My sister is one of them (but hopefully she will be okay...).

Today, my sister came home from the hospital. YAY!
My mom has a broken arm...
And my other sister was not feeling very good.

I was the only healthy one!

YAY for me!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

My sisters

I have 4 sisters!

Each one is unique. I cannot imagine my life with less than 4 sisters. That would just be weird!

Today my sister went in for really makes you wonder what your life would be like if things were different. (I do not want to spell it

When four or less of us are together we seem to get along fine. But when all 5 of us are together, MAN WATCH OUT!!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Feeling good!

I think I am getting sick (maybe a cold?).

You do not appreciate how good you feel until you start getting sick....

I am really tired and I think that is why I am getting sick....

What am I doing awake?

I should be in bed!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Being Organized

Apparently I am an analytical person (or so I have been told). I love being organized. Today I spent 2 1/2 hrs getting organized....I still have a long way to go but it is a start.

I spent a long time just organizing my record keeping records.

I LOVE being organized!!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Chinese Food

Need I say more?


Monday, October 20, 2008


I have been in a temporary role at work for the last 7 months. Today I started training on my old job (I have been away from it for 7 months). It was interesting....and nice to get back into the routine of the things.....

The best part was the training. I feel that it was definitely worthwhile and I am glad they recognized the fact that I would need to be retrained after 7 months!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Today I had an interesting conversation with my parents. My dad was born in 1935 and my mom was born in 1942. When they were kids, neither of them had running water, electricity, indoor plumbing, or even a furnace. In fact, my mom lived in a mud hut until she was about 10 and then they built the new house.

It is just so odd to me to think that so much has changed since then. All of that stuff I now take for granted AND plus we now have computers, cell phones, internet, etc. as well.

I think that my parents (and that generation) will be the ones to experience the most progression in their basic living needs (or wants). I am sure that when I am in my 60s or 70s there will be many other developments (ie. space travel,, etc) but it won't be as basic. I cannot see our basic living necessities changing that much!! I guess you never know what the future will bring - a lot of times you go through change without even realizing how much is changing.

I realized today how much I appreciate progress....(I cannot imagine getting running water and only having one tap in your ENTIRE house!!!)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I did it!!!

Not so many years ago (maybe even a month ago?) I would not have had the guts to compete in a Speech contest but I have competed in three Speech contests in the last 2 weeks.

Today I competed in my last contest (for a while anyway). I did not place 1st, but I placed 2nd!!!! I am so PROUD of myself!!! I cannot believe I had the guts to do that!!!! Not that many people can say they have competed in a Speech competition and I won 2 competitions and placed 2nd in the 3rd!!! How awesome is that!!!!!!!!!?

Friday, October 17, 2008

support of co-workers

Today I said my speech in front of a group of co-workers. It was mostly the group I coffee and lunch with but there were also a few other people thrown in there as well.

I find I need all the practise I can

I was sooo nervous but all the feedback I got back was positive so I must be doing something right....(or they are just nice? lol). I am sure I did good! I am lucky to have their support!!

Tomorrow I present my speech to the next level of competition.

I am excited and nervous at the same time!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Today I had a job interview. Before my interview I was so excited and thought I had a chance...

Then I went to the 2 1/2 hr interview and had to do a math test.

How should I put it?

I SUCKED!!!! I think there were only 5 or 6 questions on the test and I think (if I am lucky) I got 1 right!!!!

It makes me realize....I LOVE Math!! I love to do Math in my head....I love to do Math on paper...I even love to do Math on my

But I guess I am rusty with Math!!! Maybe I should practise more?

Until next time....

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sick days

Don't get me wrong....I HATE being sick!!! I am one of the fortunate ones in that I do not get sick very often.

I was sick today.

But to look on the bright side....

at least I got paid to stay home sick! How fortunate is that?!! There are many things that we are just given that we think of as a 'right' and do not realize it is actually a privilege!!

Maybe one day everyone will get paid to stay home sick!!? You can only dream....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Today is Election Day in Canada - we have elected a new Prime Minister....(oops!! I mean we have elected the same Prime Minister again.).

There are definitely things I appreciate about how democracy works in Canada. I like how you have to 'call' an election so they only campaigned for about a month before the election.

I like how everyone has a voice and all you have to do is write it down on a piece of paper (or just put an x in the correct box).

Democracy is a great thing....

Monday, October 13, 2008


Today was Thanksgiving. It was a nice relaxing day...

I went over to my sister's house for Thanksgiving supper where we had...(drumroll please...)

Potato soup and spring rolls.

Where is the turkey you might ask? We did not have a turkey this year because we have been eating turkey more this year than in other years. We went over to my aunt's house yesterday though where we had potatos, ham, salad, corn, pumpkin pie, etc. It was a very good meal!!

I enjoyed supper tonight too!! I love Spring rolls, they are really good!!!

I think all Thanksgiving dinners should be with spring rolls...maybe we will start a new tradition? lol

(In other news, the snow is melting!!)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Signs of Christmas at Thanksgiving....

Tomorrow is Canadian Thanksgiving. (I love Thanksgiving.)

Today it snowed....

and snowed....

and snowed....

(and even snowed some more....)


It is not unusual to snow this early in the Fall but it is unusual for SOOOO much snow to fall this early in the Fall. It was up to my knees in some areas!!!!

I am not a huge fan of an early snow fall (I hate the driving and the shovelling) but tonight when I got home....I took a moment, paused, looked up at the snow falling, and realized how beautiful it was. We are so lucky to have that experience. The experience of snow falling....

Did you know that in some areas of the world (and even here in North America) there are places that have NEVER experienced snow? (I am sure you do.) I find that bizarre - a place without snow. Even though it can be a pain sometimes......I do enjoy the snow.

Early snow is the best because chances is going to melt!! I am expecting the snow to melt by next weekend. But at least we got to spend Thanksgiving in the snow!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


I am a breakfast eater. I do not understand how anyone can go without eating breakfast. I have always been a big breakfast eater (aka I eat a big breakfast) since I was a little kid.

Today I did not have any real breakfast food hanging out around the house (I have to get groceries). But I cannot go without eating breakfast, so today I had a little bit of this, and a little bit of that, and somehow it lasted me throughout the morning. (Maybe I should get groceries soon?)

When you don't have real breakfast food, it makes you really realize how great it is to have breakfast on a regular day!!! What would I do without breakfast?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Canned Tomatoes

Tonight I spent part of the evening canning tomatos - 14 jars to be exact!!

My mom broke her arm exactly one week ago. She had the tomatos picked but not canned so tonight my sisters and I helped her can 14 jars. We now have 35 jars of tomatos. Mom says I can take as many as I I think I might just do that! At least I know what is in them (tomatos and 1/2 tsp of salt).

The tomatos all came from my mother's garden!! Mmmm.....I cannot wait to use them!!! I usually will throw them into hamburger meat, or even just eat them with pasta, or by itself. They are good!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Supper out with friends

Today I went out for supper with a group of people from work. We do this occasionally....

Tonight we went out to a restaurant that is not that far from our work and the food was good! We were there for about 2 1/2 hours just sitting and talking...

The best thing about the supper was that we did not have to get up and leave half way through our conversation (like at work). We could just sit at the table, relax, and enjoy each other's company, and talk.

It was awesome!! I am glad we took the time to do this!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

That feeling!

As mentioned previously, I won a speech contest yesterday!!

I am still 'high' today!!

I still feel all warm and cozy inside - like I am special and awesome and cool!! I feel GREAT!!

Today I meet someone from HR on the elevator at work. I happened to mention that I am going to the next level in the contest in mid-Oct. She told me that she will check her schedule to see if she can come. I feel GREAT!!

I love 'that' feeling!!!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Family support

Tonight I competed in the next level of the speech contest I entered. Guess what!!! To my shock!!!!!!!!! I won!!!!! Now I have to compete at the NEXT level!! (What did I get myself into?

The great thing though was that my mom, my aunt, and my uncle all came to support me! It was great being able to look out into that audience and see some familiar faces!!

I really do appreciate the family support I had!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Winning speech contests

That was unexpected!! I was shocked when I found out I won the speech contest. I do not consider myself to be a great speaker. It's awesome!!

Now I have to compete at the next level tomorrow night. I am really nervous about that!!!!

It has really boosted my confidence knowing that I won our contest. I know I will do well tomorrow. (I hope)

Whatever happens tomorrow night, I am glad I won this contest.....

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Easily Prepared speeches

Tomorrow I am in a speech contest. Unfortunately I have not prepared as much as I should have (oh well). Fortunately I was able to come up with a quick speech. I think I will do okay. I just hope I do not completely embarrass myself!! But if I do....oh well.

It is the first speech contest I have ever entered...I hope I do okay.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


I love to swim but I hate being wet!

Odd - maybe. But it has kept me from the water (off and on) for quite a few years. Today I went swimming (maybe because I bought a swimming suit this summer). I like being in the water but it is just afterwards that I hate. I always feel that I cannot get completely dry and it is just gross!!


In other news....what am I going to have for breakfast tomorrow? Hmmm

Friday, October 3, 2008

Long distance phone calls...

It is amazing how cheap a long distance phone call is nowadays!! And how convenient!! With 2 sisters living across the country it is really nice to be able to talk to them whenever you want to (and it not costing you an arm and a leg)!

When my grandma was younger her mother, 2 sisters, and her brother all moved down east...they barely saw each other or even talked to each other. My mom mentioned she only saw her grandmother every 2 years....but now my mom talks to my sister basically every day!!

How awesome is that!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Watching my niece dance

My niece is currently taking dance lessons. She likes to dance. Many times my sister (her mom) will play the piano and my niece will dance.

I think she is incredibly talented for a four year old...she pointed her toe, danced with the music, jumped like a Ballerina. She is way too talented to be a 4 year old (but maybe that is just my

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Free tickets

My work is very involved in the community. This gives a lot of perks. A year ago (?) or so I won tickets to a hockey game. Today I won tickets to a football game. This is awesome!!

Now I just have to find someone to come with me...