Sunday, October 19, 2008


Today I had an interesting conversation with my parents. My dad was born in 1935 and my mom was born in 1942. When they were kids, neither of them had running water, electricity, indoor plumbing, or even a furnace. In fact, my mom lived in a mud hut until she was about 10 and then they built the new house.

It is just so odd to me to think that so much has changed since then. All of that stuff I now take for granted AND plus we now have computers, cell phones, internet, etc. as well.

I think that my parents (and that generation) will be the ones to experience the most progression in their basic living needs (or wants). I am sure that when I am in my 60s or 70s there will be many other developments (ie. space travel,, etc) but it won't be as basic. I cannot see our basic living necessities changing that much!! I guess you never know what the future will bring - a lot of times you go through change without even realizing how much is changing.

I realized today how much I appreciate progress....(I cannot imagine getting running water and only having one tap in your ENTIRE house!!!)

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