Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cold nights, warmer days

After the tempature has been so low the last couple of days, it was nice to go up to -19 Celcius today!! I did not have to worry about my car starting today!! Tomorrow it is supposed to be nice too (about -18 again). That will be nice. Today it is supposed to dip down to about -30 again so I plugged in my car but at least tomorrow will be nice.

It is so funny how you learn to appreciate the little things. There was a wind chill warning in our area all weekend and today was the first day the warning was lifted!! AWESOME!! It was almost as though we were living in Florida for a while (LOL - I am totally joking!!).

1 comment:

Wanda said...

Wow! Cold weather. I am not sure if I want to go there for Christmas if it's that cold. The low here today was -6.