Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Not being in pain

There are some things you take for granted in life. Not being in pain is one of them.

It started out as a typical night. It is actually my aunt and uncle's birthday today so I went over to my parents house for pizza and cake (and good? conversation). It was not that cold out tonight (only about -18 or so) so I decided to sweep off my steps (it has been snowing all day basically). I lost my concentration for maybe a second and the next thing I knew, I was lying on the ground at the bottom of my steps. I knew right away I had hurt myself (but not too seriously I don't think).

My family is full of 'doctors' and apparently I am one of them. I stood up, determined that I can stand on both feet, finished sweeping off my steps and went inside. Fortunately my original plan had been to take a shower when I got inside and so I did. My leg is swollen. Specifically my knee. It is about the size of a baseball (I am exaggerating). My shin is bruised, and my ankle is swelling as well. I think I can feel all of my toes.

Here is where the doctoring comes in.....

I am going to put ice on it for a while tonight and see if that helps. I am in no rush to run to the doctor or the hospital and I really don't think I am that hurt so I will live....if I get worse or whatever, I will go to the doctor.

(Just hour ago I was not in pain....)


Wanda said...

Sorry to here about your injury. Hopefully, it's not too serious.

Colette said...

Yikes. Sorry to hear you hurt yourself.

Cam said...

I can walk without limping so I am not that badly hurt although my leg kills me every once in a while.